Other Publications
Student Theses • Special Reports • Conference Abstracts
Kicklighter, D.W., M.D. Webster, A.D. McGuire, H. Tian, J.M. Reilly, J.M. Melillo and R.G. Prinn (2000)
Eos Transactions, 81(48): F275-276, Abstract B21F-05
Wang, C., and A. Ekman (2003)
Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 5: 07633
Wang, C., R.G. Prinn, A.P. Sokolov and P.H. Stone (1994)
Eos Transactions, 75(44): 136, Abstract A41E-09
Forest, C. (2005)
Conference Proceedings, Symposium NCCR 2005: Interfaces Between Climate and Economic Dynamics
Sokolov, A., E. Monier, D. Kicklighter, J. Scott, X. Gao and C.A. Schlosser (2013)
Conference Proceedings, European Geophysical Union General Assembly (Vienna, April 7–12) Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-3354
Sokolov, A.P., D. Kicklighter, E. Monier, C.A. Schlosser and J. Scott (2013)
Conference Proceedings
Skolnikoff, E.B., A. Chayes and D. Victor (1993)
MIT Center for International Studies Report, Bellagio Conference on International Aspects of International Cooperation on Climate Change, Jan 28-30, 1992
Gao, X., C.A. Schlosser, E. Monier and D. Entekhabi (2012)
Conference Proceedings, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (San Francisco, Dec. 3-7), Eos Trans., Abstract H21F-1229
Wang, A. and B.S. Felzer (2012)
Conference Proceedings, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (San Francisco, December 3-7), Abstract B53E-0727.
Webster, M.D., and A.P. Sokolov (1997)
Eos Transactions, 78(46): 135, abstract A51G-10
Webster, M.D., and A.P. Sokolov (1998)
Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No. 27 (MO/TD 865) pp. 7.42-7.43
Monier, E., J. Scott and A.P. Sokolov (2012)
Conference Proceedings, American Meteorological Society 24th Conference on Climate Variability and Change (New Orleans, January 25)