About Sponsorship

The Center offers several options for organizations interested in developing a partnership. 

For more information on sponsorship benefits and how your organization can become a sponsor, please contact Darby Kirven.


General Membership

Enhanced Membership

Access to CS3 research and expert guidance tailored to member interests and strategic needs 



Visits by CS3 Directors - Review state of science/technologies/policies of interest



Invitation to the MIT Global Change Forum – an exclusive opportunity to convene with industry, academic and NGO partners at our flagship research symposium and networking event



Exclusive invitation to the CS3 annual Sponsor Meeting, including roundtable discussions on emerging trends and priorities



Center Inter-Forum Webinar Series



Early-release access to CS3 publications and annual report



Customized webinars, workshops, roundtable discussions informed by members' evolving interests and pressing needs

Limited availability


Visits to MIT CS3 by member representatives

Limited availability


Access to Center research presentation and webinar archives

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Representation from MIT CS3 researchers at member events, pending availability and approval of Director



Customized briefings of CS3 publications based on member interests



Sponsored research (customized projects)

Optional add-on, under separate agreement for additional funds

Optional add-on, under separate agreement for additional funds