Conference Abstract

Potential role of aerosols in the microphysical evolution of deep convective clouds and associated anvils

Wang, C., and A. Ekman (2003)
Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 5: 07633

Abstract / Summary:

Aerosols can influence deep convection by: (a) serving as CCNs or INs and then impacting on cloud development and associated aqueous and gaseous reactions; and (b) serving as platforms for heterogeneous reactions that change the removal rates of certain chemical species. Changes in these cloud properties under influence of input aerosols may have effect on large-scale atmospheric circulation and tropospheric chemistry. The impact of initial aerosol distribution and chemical composition on dynamics, microphysics, and chemistry associated with deep convection has been studied using a three-dimensional cloud-resolving model including integrated dynamics, multiple mode and moment cloud and aerosol microphysics, gaseous and aqueous chemistry, heterogeneous chemistry, and radiation. The model is initialized using observational data of a continental deep convection case. Then, various simulations with different initial distributions and chemical compositions of aerosols have been carried out. We have found significant differences in cloud properties among the simulated clouds with different initial aerosol profiles. This presentation will concentrate on the detailed results of aerosol impact on cloud microphysical processes inside both the tower and anvil, represented by conversion rates of key cloud and aerosol microphysical processes; evolution of various modes of ice, liquid, and aerosol particles; and precipitation. The influence of aerosol-cloud interaction on radiation and on tropospheric chemistry will also be discussed.


Wang, C., and A. Ekman (2003): Potential role of aerosols in the microphysical evolution of deep convective clouds and associated anvils. Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 5: 07633 (