News + Media
In The News
Boston Globe
Launched in 2017 in France, the Energy Observer operates as a mobile clean energy laboratory and as a demonstration of its onboard technologies (Boston Globe)
In The News
MIT Climate Portal
“Clean energy” usually refers to energy sources that produce no climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions in their operation. That doesn’t mean they have zero impact on the environment. (MIT Climate Portal)
In The News
The balance of phytoplankton populations in the sea is shifting as a result of human-induced climate change, altering the oceans in profound ways (BBC)
Presentation Slides
‘Invisible 60 percent’ of Africa’s population threatened by climate change-amplified droughts
MIT Joint Program Research Scientist Kenneth Strzepek highlights risks and potential solutions at Vatican summit on climate resilience
News Release
MIT Joint Program Research Scientist Kenneth Strzepek highlights risks and potential solutions at Vatican summit on climate resilience
In The News
Christian Science Monitor
Behind the headlines, evidence points to an industry continuing to grow and innovate (Christian Science Monitor)
News Release
MIT Energy Inititiative
The MIT Energy Initiative and a consortium of Taiwanese companies are exploring how Taiwan can secure its energy future as the world transitions away from fossil fuels (MIT Energy Initiative)
In The News
MIT Climate Portal
MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev shares his perspective on the TILclimate podcast (MIT Climate Portal)
In The News
Litoral Press
So said MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev in a presentation at the April 10-11 Wings of Change Americas conference in Santiago, Chile (Litoral Press, Spanish)
News Release
Key takeaways from the XLVI (46th) MIT Global Change Forum