Journal Article

Aggregation of gridded emulated projections at the national or regional level: rainfed and irrigated crop yields and irrigation water requirements

Blanc, E. (2020)
Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 5 (2), 138-151 (doi: 10.21642/JGEA.050204AF)

Abstract / Summary:

Abstract: This paper describes an update to the tool developed by Blanc (2017b) which allows users to calculate emulated rainfed crop yields projections for four crops and five different global gridded crop models (GGCMs) at the regional level. This updated tool allows users to also estimate irrigated crop yields and corresponding irrigation water requirements under user-given climate change scenarios. As with the previous version, users must be careful when selecting scenarios and ensure that they are within the range of the climate change scenarios used to estimate the response functions in Blanc (2017) and Blanc (2020).


Blanc, É. (2017a). Statistical Emulators of Maize, Rice, Soybean and Wheat Yields from Global Gridded Crop Models. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 236, 145–161.

Blanc, É. (2017b). Aggregation of Gridded Emulated Rainfed Crop Yield Projections at the National or Regional Level. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 2(2), 112–127.

Blanc, É. (2020). Statistical emulators of irrigated crop yields and irrigation water requirements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 284, 107828.


Blanc, E. (2020): Aggregation of gridded emulated projections at the national or regional level: rainfed and irrigated crop yields and irrigation water requirements. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 5 (2), 138-151 (doi: 10.21642/JGEA.050204AF) (