Watching the Arctic Melt: Adventures in Polar Oceanography

McGovern Auditorium, Whitehead Institute

Watching the Arctic Melt: Adventures in Polar Oceanography

Arctic sea ice coverage hit a record low this past summer, with enormous implications for research, shipping, fishing, mining, oil production, geopolitics and global climate. Indeed this latest milestone in a decades-long trend of Arctic melting is a striking manifestation of accelerating climate change.The event explored what's happening at the top of the world, how we know about it, and why it matters.

Read the news story about the event here

Featured:         Patrick Heimbach (MIT)

Observation-Constrained Models of Arctic Sea Ice Loss

John Toole (WHOI)

WHOI’s Ice-Tethered Profiler: Argo of the Arctic

John Leonard & Hanumant Singh (MIT & WHOI)

AUV Exploration in the Arctic: Peril and Payoff

Art Baggeroer & Henrik Schmidt (MIT)

Surveying with Sound: Acoustic Sensing in the Arctic Ocean

Carin Ashjian (WHOI)

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Adm. Richard Pittenger (WHOI & US Navy-retired)

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