Getting Through on Global Warming: How to Rewire Climate Change Communication

MIT Wong Auditorium, E51-115

Why do most of us recognize that climate change is real, yet few take action? Why do some not recognize it as real? By exploring the roadblocks to effective climate change communication, this diverse panel of faculty and media experts will unpack why our brains are wired to ignore a monumental threat to society. And they will ask, can we recast the problem? What is the role of science in the communication challenge? How and why has this particular issue changed the public's perception of scientists? Drawing on the MIT community’s input to the Climate Conversation Idea Bank and through live Q&A, the panel will identify and examine communication strategies that MIT and others can employ to shift the global climate debate and to inspire action. 

John Durant, Director, MIT Museum, Moderator 
Kerry Emanuel, Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT
Susan Hassol, Director, Climate Communication (a non-profit science & outreach project)
Judith Layzer, Professor of Environmental Policy, MIT
Thomas Levenson, Professor of Science Writing, MIT 
Chris Mooney, Environment Writer, Washington Post
Drazen Prelec, Professor of Management and Neuroscience, MIT

Hosted by the MIT Conversation on Climate Change.

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